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Help for the Homeless

Help for the Homeless

Riverview Gardens® is once again participating in The Family Radio Networks’ 27th annual Help for the Homeless hygiene drive from February 17-March 10. As a host site, we are collecting new toiletry and cleaning products for 89 Wisconsin crisis agencies in 15 Northeast and Central Wisconsin communities.

The coolest thing about the drive? Donations remain in communities where they are collected! More than 900 area businesses, churches and schools are participating by collecting – and we are one of them! Check out the list of needs and drop them off at Riverview Gardens, 1101 S. Oneida Street, Appleton, WI 54915. Our office hours are Monday-Friday 8:00-4:00 pm.

The Family Radio Network partners with area homeless coalitions and crisis programs by inviting the community to donate needed hygiene items for their local agencies through Help for the Homeless. Supplying organizations with laundry soap, hair and dental care items, deodorant, diapers and other personal care and cleaning products makes it possible for them to dedicate their limited financial resources to providing qualified personnel, education, counseling, safe housing and nutritious food to those they serve.

The goal of the drive is to supply a year’s worth of products to each agency and nearly $3 million dollars’ worth of hygiene items have been donated through the event to date!

Questions? Find out more at or call 800-236-9364.

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