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Calling All Volunteers

We are preparing for our busiest time of the year and invite you along for the journey! Do you enjoy the outdoors – the fresh air and warm weather? Do you enjoy meeting new people? Or even learning something new? These are all opportunities we an offer at Riverview Gardens®. So, will you join us on […]

Celebrating Our Volunteers

April is National Volunteer Month and we want to thank the incredibly generous community members who donate their time to Riverview Gardens® and support our mission! Non-profit organizations are often dependent on individuals who believe in their mission and want to give a portion of their time in order to ensure its success – and […]

Why AmeriCorps?

Hi! I’m Amy Hingeveld and I am the AmeriCorps member serving as the Community Engagement Coordinator at Riverview Gardens®. You may be asking yourself, “What even is AmeriCorps and how is it related to Riverview Gardens”? If so, you are reading the right blog! AmeriCorps is like the Peace Corps in that members strive to […]

Help for the Homeless

Riverview Gardens® is once again participating in The Family Radio Networks’ 27th annual Help for the Homeless hygiene drive from February 17-March 10. As a host site, we are collecting new toiletry and cleaning products for 89 Wisconsin crisis agencies in 15 Northeast and Central Wisconsin communities. The coolest thing about the drive? Donations remain in […]

Urban Farm Closed

Due to the extreme cold the Urban Farm will be closed this week, Monday, January 28-Friday, February 1. We apologize for any inconvenience, and please remember to be safe out there!

Urban Farm Closed May 26-28

In recognition of Memorial Day weekend, our Urban Farm will be closed May 26-28. We apologize for any inconvenience. The farm will reopen on Tuesday, May 29. We hope you have a relaxing and safe holiday weekend!

Road Construction Season is Here!

Seymour Street will be closed at the corner of Oneida Street. Our Urban Farm Workshop is still accessible from W. Foster and S. Wilkie Streets. Stop by and volunteer! Visit the City of Appleton’s website to learn more about the construction project.